Mind, Body, & Meditation


Summer of 2008. This was a season of serious change in my life. This was a time that I was reopened to who I am, and what I am capable of, mentally and spiritually.

This new sense of self wasn’t an easy journey at all. I felt like I became responsible for a rush of new information. These things tested my ability to create a new discipline, and a new sense of faith. I have to be honest. I was totally drained. I felt like I was being tested more than usual.

Have you ever heard the saying that, in certain times if you pray for something, that prayer is sometimes answered by giving you life challenges that grant you the ability to receive that prayer? Well, I have 2 words I have to say I’ve prayed for the most. Those words were strength, and wisdom. Til this day, I am consistently challenged to meet the standards that I see for myself.

Over time, I learned how to quiet my mind. Let me just mention that I have one of the loudest minds ever. Thoughts are typically running millions of miles per hour. So how did I do it?

I found that the easiest way, was to utilize something that we do naturally. Breathe. Even as I write this page, I’m reminding myself to do just that. Find yourself a quiet space. Take a deep breath…hold it for 3 seconds…and release. Repeat this for as long as you need to. The idea is to listen to yourself breathe. In doing so, it aids in removing yourself from the many thoughts that tend to find their way into your mental space. Quieting the mind is only step one. This isn’t something you should expect to happen overnight. It can take months, even years.

Once you find your peace of mind, its important to fill it only with things that positively serve your spirit. It’s like having a hamper of old dirty clothes, then mixing in new clean clothes. Essentially, your new clean clothes will absorb the smells and stains of your dirty clothes. Your mind is the same way. As you reach a place of mental cleansing, you want to make sure you’re only filling it with new, clean thoughts, and habits. Again this isn’t something that you should expect to change right away. It takes time, discipline, and faith.

Frequency Medicinals isn’t looking to just sell products. Our overall focus is to aid in creating a better lifestyle that benefits your life in the upmost positive way. With this, we're launching the Don’t Forget 2 Breathe project. This project is a mental health awareness initiative.


I am an Artist, composer, and writer with a passion for music & sound; and an Entrepreneur who advocates for mental health.


Don’t Forget 2 Breathe


A New Lifestyle