Who We Are


Frequency Medicinals is a safe and ensured holistic approach to mental and physical health.


Frequency Medicinals is a home for all forms of holistic healing. These things include music & sound therapy, various meditation practices, and consumable products derived from herbs, spices, and cannabis.

Natural and holistic medicine caters to women, men, and children of all ages. Natural healing allows for a person to be assured that there are no possible chemical reactions that can cause unhealthy, or fatal reactions to the mind and body. The use of a proper mental health regimen, allows for the discipline needed for proper healing and positive overall health maintenance. Frequency Medicinals believes that it’s necessary to have a balanced practice of both.

Natural medicine, with close monitoring of natural born allergens, has a high percent success rate when there is a full understanding of a person’s specific needs.

With the use of vibrational sound therapy, meditation, 
natural foods and herbs; we specialize in the 
ability to maintain a positive, and healthy 
mental state. Along with a customized 
natural diet, this 
allows for a gradual, but rigorous change in both mind, body, and spirit.