A New Lifestyle


Have you ever heard of the saying, ‘you are what you eat’? It’s a saying that I certainly heard all of my life. However, it isn’t something I ever really understood until I was well into adulthood, and well into being more health conscious.

The entire world moves at many frequencies. Every element of our being, every part of nature, every part of our life, has a frequency. These frequencies are ultimately made up of energy and vibration. An important fact is that these many vibrations can be absorbed whether it is something we’re conscious of, or not.

You’ve been invited to an event or gathering by a friend. When you walk into this place, you don’t recognize anyone in the room. If you’re an introvert like myself, you’re going to make it a point to find your friend. Once you find them, they introduce you to 2 other people they are standing with. One person you find yourself gravitating to. You can’t explain it, there’s just a vibe with them that sits well with you. The other person, doesn’t give off the same type of vibrational pull, but they seem nice so you don’t pay it much mind, and you enjoy the rest of the event now in the company of your friend and these 2 new people. Later you go on to befriend them both in which you notice you have 2 types of experiences. The person you caught a positive vibe with from the start seems to create nothing but positive experiences for and with you. While the other, you notice creates the opposite types of experiences. In the end, the person you choose to remain close to, defines your ongoing vibration thereafter.

This same scenario applies to every single thing you consume. Whether you choose to eat a daily serving of pesticide free vegetables, if you’re at McDonalds everyday, whether you consume tobacco, cannabis, or drink alcohol. All these elements, the what, and the how, carry all sorts of vibrations, and frequencies. They all take part in your vibration when you consume them.

There is a reason that changing the things you consume, becomes a full blown lifestyle; because thats exactly what you’re doing. You’re changing your lifestyle to cater to a more positive, and high vibrational life.

Frequency Medicinals isn’t looking to just sell products. Our overall focus is to aid in creating a better lifestyle that benefits your life in the upmost positive way. With this, we're launching the Don’t Forget 2 Breathe project. This project is a mental health awareness initiative.


I am an Artist, composer, and writer with a passion for music & sound; and an Entrepreneur who advocates for mental health.


Mind, Body, & Meditation